Wellness Programs Enhance your healing and maintain your progress. Dry needling Dry Needling is a great way to release trigger points that are restricting mobility, decreasing strength and causing pain Laser therapy The Smart Laser sends light photons into injured tissues to stimulate and energize cells, repairing and strengthening at a remarkably fast rate. Post Op rehabilitation Physical therapy is often recommended after surgeries. It can enhance mobility, improve circulation, and reduce pain. It plays a huge role in expediting the healing process, by addressing muscle function, and strength as well. MPS therapy MPS Therapy is an FDA approved therapy that combines the principles of acupuncture and modern neurology with microcurrent stimulation. MPS Therapy is successfully helping many clients control pain levels and improve outcomes with long term effects. ASTYM therapy Astym treatment is a physical therapy treatment that regenerates healthy soft tissues (muscles, tendons, etc.), and eliminates or reduces unwanted scar tissue that may be causing pain or movement restrictions. Weight loss program The Ideal Protein Protocol is a medically-developed, supervised ketogenic weight loss and behavior modification protocol. While the traditional keto diet is high in fat, Ideal Protein consists of low-fat, low-carb foods with an optimal amount of protein. Our three-phase protocol addresses weight issues at their source; reducing carbohydrates and fats while ensuring adequate daily protein intake. Schedule an appointment in Asheville today. Knowing the details before scheduling an appointment helps us help you. 828-348-1780