
How is ‘Direct Primary Care’ disrupting the healthcare system?

By Christopher Taylor, PT / July 6, 2020

‘Concierge’ medicine is not a new thing in the healthcare world. But, the premium experience of concierge medicine being applied to the primary care model has only recently become accessible to a wider audience as direct primary care.

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How Gardening Impacted me During Quarantine [3 Tips to Make Your Gardening Endeavors Pain Free]

By Amanda Roach, MPT / May 11, 2020

I have always enjoyed being outside and have often found a little yard work to be a great way to get some exercise on the weekend. My yard work, however, was always limited to just that, a quick weekend project. Now that quarantine and pandemic are part of my daily…

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COVID-19: A Pain in the Neck (Tips for how to manage your headaches, neck, and shoulder pain.)

By Emerson Talbott, DPT / May 11, 2020

These are trying times for all of us, let’s face it. Even more challenging is the total lack of physical exercise that we are ALL suffering from. Personally, I went from exercising over an hour every day to being proud of myself for getting up and going to the fridge. What a change. Unfortunately, with increased sedentary lifestyle changes tends to come increased levels of pain. Of these increased pain, neck pain can be some of the most common and severe issues that we can face.

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Best of WNC 2017 Physical Therapist and Physical Therapy Practice Announced

By Christopher Taylor, PT / August 8, 2017

The results are in for the 2017 Mountain Xpress Best of WNC. We are excited and proud to announce that… Rachel Waring, Physical Therapist has been awarded 1st Place! Congratulations to Rachel Waring, PT, DPT for being voted 1st Place Best of WNC Winner for Physical Therapist and to PHYSIO Physical Therapy and Wellness…

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Decoding your Health Care

By Christopher Taylor, PT / April 8, 2016

Decoding Your Health Care Health care coverage and benefits vary and are often a source of confusion.  Luckily, having a better understanding of commonly used terminology will not only reduce frustration but will also ensure you’re maximizing the experience of your care. Terms you’re likely to see are deductible, co-payment, co-insurance, and out-of-pocket.  But…

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