There we are; the rapid is closing in. I can’t see anything but can only hear roaring water and what looks like a big drop-off on the water horizon. My partner and her friend encouraged me to go first, and so naturally, wanting to impress the ladies, I did…
Read moreIf you have ever seen me as a patient, you might know that I favor a style of treatment called the McKenzie method of diagnosis. Never heard of this method? Fret Not! I’ll explain. It all started with a man named Robin McKenzie, who was initially a practitioner in New…
Read moreThese are trying times for all of us, let’s face it. Even more challenging is the total lack of physical exercise that we are ALL suffering from. Personally, I went from exercising over an hour every day to being proud of myself for getting up and going to the fridge. What a change. Unfortunately, with increased sedentary lifestyle changes tends to come increased levels of pain. Of these increased pain, neck pain can be some of the most common and severe issues that we can face.
Read moreSpring Fever Like the rest of the city of Asheville, as soon as good weather hit, I jumped at the opportunity to take advantage of mowing my lawn. Chalk it up to my obsessive brain if you want, but before I even started the mower I was problem-solving for how…
Read moreOver the years, I have developed a love for working with my hands. Outside of being a Physical Therapist, I try to incorporate this into my daily life through some basic woodworking and home improvement problem solving. Years ago, when I was but a young whippersnapper in high school, my dad…
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